The Entertainment Industry and Artificial Intelligence are not things that one would put together. However, the synergy between the two may deliver the entertainment industry to new heights. 

Let’s dive into what defines the industry of movies and tv shows. It’s a notoriously hard industry to gain success with, due to the high-risk factor involved. Despite bringing someone like Will Smith to the cast, the success of a movie isn’t guaranteed. This is because the consumer doesn’t behave the same way as they do in other industries. Selling content to the consumer is dependent on different factors. It’s not about the quality of the production or the story, but rather, it’s about the consumer’s interests. Essentially, the product doesn’t matter as much, but how the consumer receives the product does. This dynamic leads to a trove of reckless spending by producers, in hopes of gaining consumers. However, there are content providers that have made it work. A good example is TikTok, which is vastly popular with the general public. Despite having a relatively low quality of production, it keeps users engaged. The ‘For You’ page is vital, as it personalized content to a certain user. At the same time though, workers at TikTok are not curating content specifically for you. What’s really doing the work here is Artificial Intelligence.

YouTubers often dub this tactic the “Youtube Algorithm”, and it’s known by this name as an effective way of curating user-specific content. 

Both Youtube and TikTok don’t necessarily employ top-notch production techniques, due to their content being derived from people that aren’t always specialized in production. However, the AI in Youtube helps keep users interested, as it starts understanding what exactly the consumer is interested in. Part of this can be attributed to Data collection, but Artificial Intelligence also plays a significant part in the “Youtube Algorithm”. This edge is something that the entertainment industry dreams of. Having that amount of knowledge of the consumer, and being able to cut costs on customer acquisition would prove to vastly improve the operations of various entertainment companies. 

With the advance of artificial intelligence into multiple industries of the economy, there are always questions about its role in comparison to the worker. However, the functions of AI serve not to do the jobs, but to assist the jobs. Helping tailor content for consumers without spending on A-list stars could be a healthy change for the industry, and it could happen without the expense of cutting large numbers of workers. There are believers in the potential of AI as well, which will play a large part in determining the role of AI in the entertainment industry. Kevin Mayer, the co-CEO of Candle Media brought up the future of AI and machine learning, saying that “I think one of the things that is going to determine the future of entertainment is AI in a big way. A technology that can be used to determine what to make.” (Mayer).
